There is no question that being social is part of human nature. With modern mobile devices, everyone has the ability to be social in every single aspect of their lives. As a result, businesses are also taking advantage of these relationships. However, with social...
Randal Hoskins
The Importance of SEO in Ecommerce
Ecommerce websites tend to have a lot of pages; product listings alone add up to being the bulk of an ecommerce site’s total page count. With SEO being so important in marketing an ecommerce business, imagine how devastating it could be to a website if the majority of...
Is An Managed Internet Redundancy Worth The Cost?
If you stop and compare a standard brick and mortar business with an online company you can get a feel for the complex challenges that both face. This is true if you think of the additional cost of managed Internet redundancy and the cost to physical retail business...
3 Benefit of Search Engine Optimization for Your Website
Being a small business owner comes with a lot of different responsibilities which are necessary in order to keep your company running the right way. In order to keep your business growing, you will need to find way to market yourself that will get the attention of the...
The Next Phase in Displays – The Sunlight Readable Display
The sunlight readable display may be an unfamiliar term to many, but not for long. What is this cutting edge technology in display? Sunlight readable display is the next technological marvel in television, computer, and portable screen devices. The sunlight...